Dogging is a practice of having sex in public places, usually in cars or the outdoors, where anyone can watch you. However, dogging is not done just anywhere; there are specific areas designed for dogging events and communities to gather and have fun. There are thousands of hotspots in the UK that are perfect for dogging and voyeurs to go and have their own naughty fun. People who enjoy watching the naughty events are called voyeurs, while the rest are dogging lovers.
If you are interested in having a dogging experience but you are not sure whether your wife would be down for something like this, maybe it is time to have this conversation. If you’re unsure what it’s like for a housewife at a dogging meet then take a look at Dogging Rachel’s Dogging After Dark website, you can see her at real dogging meets and read about her experiences. There is no definite answer when it comes to the question of whether your wife loves dogging or not. This all comes down to each individual’s preference. Your wife might enjoy dogging, or she might not. There is a possibility that your wife might not even know about dogging and what it is, which is why you should find a way to introduce her to the fetish first. Continue reading Do wives really love dogging?